Saturday, September 13, 2008


Human beings can adapt the surroundings for their living and survival with their imagination and creativity andits still goes on today's lives. This started with the creation of the huts with Mammoth bones.

The adjacent picture shows Mammoth bone hutsmade by prehistoric humans during the ice age of the Paleolithic period in the Czech Republic, Poland and Ukraine in Europe.

The thought process of the mankind and materials have changed, but not the adaptation. For e.g. the picture below shows a contemporary house designed for space optimization with state-of-the-art material.


Anonymous said...

The two pictures you chose to post, were very intersting, its amazing how the front of them look similar especially the arch of the doorway entering the living quarters.

cinapoli said...

hi s~
Interesting!!! Check out these article on NPR as they are talking about pre-fabricated houses on the rise...

cinapoli said...

cinapoli said...

it isn't copying the whole link....put these last numbers after the equal sign. OR just go to and search pre-fab houses
