Saturday, November 22, 2008
Example: Pantheon. It is the most remarkable ancient building that is still surviving in Rome. It has 20 foot thick walls and is 75 feet in height. The walls support a bowl-shaped dome that is 143 feet from the floor at its summit.
Today we use the same materials such as concrete to construct large commercial office buildings and many more. We are following the same method as they did with only lot of machines, technology and improved design plans.
Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mosaic Floor from a Palace at Pella which is in Macedonia, provides an example of a Pausian Design. Blossoms, leaves, spiraling tendrils, and twisting undulating stems frame this scene, echoing the linear patterns formed by the hunters, the dog, and the struggling stag. At this time period artists were very significant with their details and were done with very carefully selected assortment of natural Pebbles.
Today we still use the Mosaic floors and the creativity has increased with good artists and designers, we use that pattern in so many designs. Like creating a three-dimensional effect or an abstract design. For E.g. Kitchen Countertops, Wall hangings, Walls and Floors, Inside Bars and Party halls, and also on top the Dining tables which can be used inside or outside.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Pictorial Representation

Sumerians invented writing around 3100 BCE. They used it for the accounting system of the goods that were traded at Uruk. The writing consisted of pictographs, simple pictures that explained what the situation would be. It is like representation of something that you would do. The symbols evolved from pictures to phonograms and later became true writing system.
Even in today's world, we, in everyday life use the pictographs for almost everything. For example, when we are driving we follow the directions of the pictures that represent situation or motion that we want to do. Like “plane for airports”, “ bench for picnic area or rest area”. Essentially, we are following the same approach as they did.

Today's pictorial representation.
Saturday, September 13, 2008

Human beings can adapt the surroundings for their living and survival with their imagination and creativity andits still goes on today's lives. This started with the creation of the huts with Mammoth bones.
About Me

I like roses, particularly yellow roses. Yellow roses can bring to mind all of the sunny, cheerful feelings of warmth and happiness.

I like designing the spaces and decorating the house. I am doing interior design program in the westvalley. Its fun and enthusiastic.

I like watching tv especially movies. I like watching both Hindi and English movies. As Hindi is my national language. When I was a kid I used to watch Tom and Jerry, infact I still love to watch. It is fun and hillarious.

I like this painting done by John Constable. It reminds me of my village. So calm and wonderful. The greenary of this painting reminds the crops and fields where I used to play, when I was a kid.

I like pizza. I don't know how to describe it.
I eat very often. Only veg pizza. Mouthwatering.