Saturday, November 22, 2008


The Romans absorbed Greek influence in architecture and similarly, were indebted to their Etruscans neighbors who supplied them with a wealth of knowledge essential for future architectural solutions. The use of Vaults and Arches together with a great knowledge of building materials, enabled them to achieve unprecedented success in the construction of imposing structures for public use. Innovation started in the first century BCE, with the invention of concrete, a strong and readily available substitute for stone. Tile-covered concrete quickly supplanted marble as the primary building material and with great pillars supporting broad Arches and Domes rather than dense lines of columns.

Example: Pantheon. It is the most remarkable ancient building that is still surviving in Rome. It has 20 foot thick walls and is 75 feet in height. The walls support a bowl-shaped dome that is 143 feet from the floor at its summit.
Today we use the same materials such as concrete to construct large commercial office buildings and many more. We are following the same method as they did with only lot of machines, technology and improved design plans.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Mosaics are created from Tesserae, small cubes of colored stone or marble which are assorted to create an Ilusion or Design. This art is used in 4th century BCE. Paintings, and also one of the best evidence that were kept.

STAG HUNT by Gnosis.

Mosaic Floor from a Palace at Pella which is in Macedonia, provides an example of a Pausian Design. Blossoms, leaves, spiraling tendrils, and twisting undulating stems frame this scene, echoing the linear patterns formed by the hunters, the dog, and the struggling stag. At this time period artists were very significant with their details and were done with very carefully selected assortment of natural Pebbles.
Today we still use the Mosaic floors and the creativity has increased with good artists and designers, we use that pattern in so many designs. Like creating a three-dimensional effect or an abstract design. For E.g. Kitchen Countertops, Wall hangings, Walls and Floors, Inside Bars and Party halls, and also on top the Dining tables which can be used inside or outside.